Saturday, August 2, 2014

Pets On Quilts!

Being relatively new to blogging I had never heard of this Pets on Quilts thing. . . but how cool is it to have a linky party showing off our pets on our quilts or quilts on pets? Pretty darn cool, I'd say :)

If you have pets and I know you have quilts, join the fun!

Years ago, we rescued three Siberian Huskies. Pablo, Bandit and Bear. LOVED those dogs! Siberians are a misunderstood breed and can quickly get themselves into trouble if the owner does not understand the quirks that are part of who the Sibe is. Pablo was an escape artist, runner and he may or may not have chased down a cat. . . or two . . . He was two when my husband flew to OR to rescue him. My husband and I met just months after their fateful paring :) We then rescued Bandit. She was treated as a farm dog with little to 'pen' her in. . . and decided one day to go play with the neighbor's chickens. . . Now, even though this neighbor happened to be the exact person that GAVE this wonderful pup to her then owners as a wedding gift (WHO DOES THAT???). . . she had to go. She was a gangly 18 month old at the time. About a year later my husband found Bear on the internet. . . hubby said we HAD to rescue him, he was 7, no one would want him. . . So he drove to OR and brought him home. . . Why would someone give up a dog they had raised from a pup 7 years later? Ummm. . . he ate the family cat. The lesson in all of this? Sibes and cats DO NOT mix. They might be fine for awhile, they might be fine for their entire life - but is it worth the chance to take with Fluffy? I'd say probably not. But that's just me. Running is in their blood and they are escape artists - if they find a way out, they will run until they drop. AND if they find a cat or two on the way, well, it's not going to end well.

But I digress :) The loss of these three fur babes was devastating. Bandit was the last to leave us and after that it took well over a year for us to even consider getting another. My husband decided he had to have a puppy. . . I knew once we had one, we would end up with two. . . Sibes are pack animals, they need a compatriot with whom to get into trouble. . . So we got Rubi, when she was 9 mos old we got Nugget. Rubi is full Sibe, Nugget (we call him The Nug) is half Sibe, half Malamute. Initially, Rubi was NOT happy about Nugget's arrival. Rubi now just over 2 yrs and Nugget is 1 1/2 yrs. This is a story of a quilt, a puppy and a not so happy puppy mamma quilter. . . 

Nugget was 7 months old when the incident occurred. I was a newly addicted quiltaholic. I had made three quilts. I had collected many patterns. I asked my husband which one I should make next. He picked Out of Square by Karla Alexander. No problem. . . ;) This is pre blog so I'm gonna admit, I don't have much for pictures for the process but let's just say I struggled a bit. . . I'd finish a set of 6 blocks, put them on my newly assembled design wall and move on to the next 6. Pretty soon I had that design wall covered with beautiful blocks and I was doing the block shuffle trying to get them in the perfect arrangement. Nugget watched this with great interest. . . Isn't he handsome?

He hates to have his picture taken. . . there is always something WAY more interesting to look at :)
Also apparently with great appetite. . . 

Had fun with it didn't ya little fella?

This is the first of THREE blocks he would 'eat' . . . yes, he is still alive ;) No one knows for sure how this got started. . . we think that Rubi may have taken them off the wall and given them to him. Yes, she is just that wenchy. . . she would come tell me when he had one in his mouth, but only of course after they were destroyed. . . 

I didn't have fabric to remake the blocks. . . or, more importantly, the ambition. I was quite over making those blocks! And there was too much orange in the quilt. . . my husband came up with a brilliant solution. Remove two rows. . . Every square I removed was predominately orange. . . and the result was pretty pleasing don't you think?

Yup, there are curves in there and yes my fourth quilt was set on point. . . naive or crazy? I'll let you decide ;)
Nugget is older now, less apt to chew but still not 100% trusted. . . and here he is displaying the quilt he 'helped' make this is quilt on pet, not pet on quilt. . . it's the only way I could get any kind of picture. . .:

The Nug looks so regal don't you think? OK AND a little more than disinterested in this photo shoot! So above it all :)
So there is my story of a quiltaholic, a pup and the joint venture of making a quilt :) Did I mention he chewed a big chunk out of my husband's quilt, the first quilt I ever made? . . . still haven't figured out how to fix that. . .

Linking up with Lilly Pad Quilting for the pups and dogs on quilts category. Go check out all of the other great posts and if you have an animal and a quilt, link a post of your own! :)

Linking up with Crazy Mom Quilts for Finish it up Friday.

Until next time, keep on quilting!
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  1. Lol, so glad my animals aren't chewers! It looks like Nugget has found a good home.

  2. This charming fellow did all that damage? But he looks so innocent (grin)! In the end your quilt is awesome and Nugget is modelling it so majestically :)

  3. I had a quilt on pet submission as well! Sorry that he ate your blocks! Isn't it crazy what dogs will eat?! Grasshoppers & worms, gobble those down. But try to give my dog a black olive & he runs for the hills! Gotta love them!

  4. Love the back stories of your dogs. The final quilt is wonderful. I had a Bulldog who would wait for me to leave batting unguarded. When I was off doing something else she would get into the batting and make my sewing room look like a blizzard had roared through.

  5. Oh yes, those pups like to "help" with quilting, don't they? Fortunately, my Luke likes to bring what he found right away...unless it's a food container of course. Thank you for being involved in rescues. It does the world good!

  6. Oh, I hate to see dog chewed quilts - heart breaking to the quilt owner and not healthy for the dog. My brother use to raise Sibe's and Mal's many years ago - they were a lot of work.

  7. I've done that, just thrown the quilt over the dog so I can get a picture for this show, it can be frustrating, :) I think Nugget or maybe Rubi just knew the quilt would be better without those blocks, the quilt is gorgeous, maybe you should thank them.

  8. Love love love Lily! She is such a strong supporter of animals! I originally began quilting after stumbling upon the "SNUGGLES Project" at Hugs For Homeless Animals ( I read about it, I went our, bought a sewing machine and got started right away. After finding Lily and old frog eyes I was elated I wasn't the only one quilting for shelter pets! I call my blanketS "Table Scraps"! So glad to hear you are a fellow rescuer! And thank you so much for introducing me and the rest of your audience to Sew Preeti Quilts As well as your current tribe, your boundless quilting enthusiasm and your great talents! I LOVE your blog Judy!

  9. Beautiful dog and quilt. Losing our pets are so hard, but we always remember the wonderful years they gave us.

  10. Nugget is just beautiful and so is that quilt! We had a part Ridgeback that ate our recliner chair, literally, and chewed up so many things that my husband was going to get rid of her. I begged and cried to keep her. She stayed with us for 12 years and ended up being a great dog.

  11. Nugget looks so grand in his quilt finery! Beautiful animals. It's really hard to lose a member of the family but there are so many dogs out there that need love. Glad you reached that place to be able to open your hearts again

  12. It's a good thing you love him! That quilt turned out just gorgeous though so maybe you should let him eat more quilt blocks.

  13. the little buggar is lucky he is cute :')

  14. Loved your story and Nugget is sooooo handsome! Glad he found some great owners and he could 'help' with quilt production. I think your jointly designed quilt is beautiful :)

  15. Oh what a cutie-patutie! What eyes!!! I only experienced a spool of thread chewed on once- I guess I am lucky. Smart hubby, beautiful Nugget and WONDERFUL Quilt!

  16. Quilt on Pet works just as well for me - lovely photo, he's gorgeous!

  17. You wrote this so very well! Animals have SUCH personalities, don't they! Glad mine don't have a fabric appetite... We used to live out in the sticks; our neighbours had a Malamute, Yukon Jack, aka Yuki, who introduced us. Until I read this I did not know they were "runners", but that is how we met Yuki's owners, who soon became good friends. One night in my sewing room, which was in the corner of our walkout basement, therefore had one big window, one corner smaller window, I was on the floor basting a quilt, when, for some reason I looked up, nearly peed myself in shock when I saw a "wolf" gazing down at me through the window! He was quite white in the face so the light on him against the pitch black outside was pretty graphic. He was so happy to meet us, hopped even more happily into our truck for us to wake his people up (yup, 11 pm!) to give him back. They'd given up on finding him in the dark, knew he'd show up by morning. Ha, I'd forgotten that episode! Funny how so many breeds have breed-specific qualities...

  18. Your doggie is beautiful, as is your Quilt.

  19. Your pups are so cute, and are apparently fabric critics!

  20. Oh no, I bet you were so mad! But of course we can forgive our fur babies for anything! Such a pretty dog!

  21. Thank you for sharing your story. I have to tell you, I think I would die if any pet ate my blocks. You made a pretty darn good looking quilt from the mishap. You are so brave!

  22. Our first dog was a rescue and shewed up our couch!!! LOL!! So glad Nugget found a home with you guys and hope his appetite for fabric weakens!!

  23. He was just helping you to narrow your block choices down. Hope he behaves around your quilts and blocks now.

  24. he is just being your quilt designer... he chews what he think needs to go.....

  25. Ahhh, I know that must have been heart breaking to lose some squares but in the end you still have a beautiful quilt and a great story to go along with it!

  26. Beautiful quilt and dog. Love his blue eyes!

  27. We had a border collie that made, well, Adjustments to a quilt also! The adjustments were on the hubby's side, so we decided that she was just trying to make the quilt breathe more with the holes added, so hubby wouldn't get too warm . . . .

  28. The bottom photo made me laugh out loud! So funny! Sorry he ate your other blocks, but the quilt turned out really pretty. Good job!

  29. Your Siberian tales are so interesting! You should write them all down in a book Judy! Well, Nugget's thinning out of your blocks certainly helped you end up with a wonderful quilt! You just have to solve more layout problems than the rest of us! LOL

  30. Hey Judy, love the story. I know someone who had Mom and Dad Siberians and they had three pups and she kept them all! Five Siberians in the house. When she takes them for a walk she lets them off the lead and just waits for them to come back eventually!!!!! I thought our Airedale, Treacle, could be naughty but not compared to those Siberians. Thanks for sharing. Hugs, Susie x

  31. Great story. My Molly has "eaten" two lap quilts.

  32. So cute Rubi gets Nugget in trouble and then is a tattle tale! Beautiful quilt and dog.

  33. What an adventurous bunch of Huskies! Pablo, Bandit, and Bear sound like they were full of personality. It's so important to understand the unique quirks of Siberians, like Pablo's Houdini-like escapades and Bandit's chicken-chasing antics. And while it's heartbreaking to part ways with a beloved pet, safety always comes first. Thanks for sharing your rescue stories! And speaking of pet safety and happiness, Rabbitgoo's commitment to enhancing the bond between pets and their owners is truly heartwarming.


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