When Cheryl over at Meadow Mist Designs announced she was having a Best of 2015 linky party, I immediately decided "I'm IN!" :) Then I realized, my blogiversary is the last day of the year! How appropriate would it be to do my best of, celebrate my blog's anniversary AND do a giveaway? I think it makes a pretty sweet combo, no? So let's do the Best of 2015 first! If you want to scroll down and just look at what might be up for grabs (I know you want to! LOL), do and come back, check out the best of 2015 according to the statistics page on blogger.
Let's go in reverse order. . . build up the suspense, eh?
5. I'm throwing this one into the mix because it is my favorite post and 'finish' for 2015. It is the post about the final finish of the family tree quilt.
4. D9P commissioned quilt finish. This stat surprised me. . . It is a post that was not commented on as heavily as other posts but fell in the number 4 position for number of hits, coming in at 852 hits as of this morning.
3. Lambs, Pigs, Chickens and Horses came in third with at total of 857 hits.
2. Twirling #2 came in second with a total of 872 hits.
1. And the most viewed post, not only of 2015 but over the life of my blog. . . are you ready?? The Kremlin quilt!! Are you surprised? Yeah, me too!!! This post has 1211 hits as of this morning. Odd. I did notice that my Russian visitor stats are up. . . maybe I was put on a 'watch list'. . . LOL If that is the case, maybe my blog will inspire a few watchers to become quilters!! ;)
So there you have it. It was fun to see what the most viewed posts were for the year. Kinda fun huh?
OK, on to more fun! Today marks my two year blogiversary. When I wrote that first post, I had NO idea what I was getting myself into! I know you have read it before on many blogs, but the quilting blog world is so welcoming! And friendly! And helpful! OK, I could go on and on but I'll spare you. :) I have made so many friends through this blog! What started out as a way for my mom to be able to easily see what I was working on, quickly became my quilting community! And for that I am grateful. Very grateful! :) For each and every one of you who have cheered me on, provided your opinions, expertise and friendship in general, I say thank you, from the tips of my toes to the top of my head, thank you! :)
Giveaway deets: Giveaway is open to everyone, international readers that includes you! :) No need to follow, but if you'd like to jump on board for year three, I'd love to have you! :) Just leave a comment. Any comment will do! If you have a preference of which of the three you would like, tell me in your comment. If it's possible to give the winners their choice, I certainly will! If you are a follower of my blog, leave another and tell me how you follow and you'll have two chances. :)
Giveaway will close on January 7, 2016 at midnight MST. Winners will be picked by Mr. Random and will be announced on January 8th. Please, please please, leave your email address in your comment if you have any doubt as to whether or not you are a no reply blogger! If you don't want to leave your email address in the comments, email it to me.
What am I giving away? Oh a couple of things I just have laying around waiting to be shipped off to the lucky winners :)
First up, one lucky winner will open their mail and find an Aurifil thread card (someday I'll tell the story of how I come to have two of these lovelies) and a sample pack of Aurifil thread. The sample pack includes all weights of Aurifil. Ever wonder what the various weights, types of thread actually feel, look like? Throw your name in the hat for this prize and you can check it out, for free! :)
I have no idea why this picture is flipped on its side. . . you get the idea :) |
And what else? One lucky person will win a fat eighth bundle of Oakshott Cottons!! Aren't they puuuurrrdddyyy?? :D If you have ever wanted to give Oakshott a try, here's your chance! :)
And that's not all. . . one more lucky winner will win a beautiful fat quarter bundle of Morning Walk Holy Breeze by Leah Duncan for Art Gallery! Seems appropriate for a blog set in the desert to be giving away this beautiful bundle of southwesty (new term) fabric :)
Three gifts waiting to be sent to three lucky people! Just leave me a comment, a second if you are a follower and come back on January 8th to find out if you won! I just want to say, you are all winners in my book and to all of my readers, cheerleaders, occasional visitors and lurkers (love lurkers, I am one myself! LOL) I say, "Thank you!" I am looking forward to a great 2016 and can't wait to see what it brings for me and for all of you!
Linking up with Cheryl for the Best of 2015! If you haven't checked it out, do - there is a huge party going on over there! I'm a little late!! ;) And if you haven't linked up yet, there's still time! It's open until January 2nd.
Until next time, keep on quilting!!