I am continuing to work on the linen. Not much has gotten done since my last post but I really wanted to share with you this new to me amazing product. No, I'm not being paid, not being sponsored, not in any way affiliated with the company. I'm keeping it real here folks. Not only is the product amazing, the customer service is nothing short of spectacular! You are saying enough with the build up already! What the heck are you talking about??? Blue Line Eraser. It.Works.
Great product, great customer service. I'm giving it two thumbs up :) |
Here are the before pictures.
This is after three tries to remove the marks with water. |
Notice one side is echoed, one is not. . . Oh yeah, this part is about the blue! ;) |
There were blue spots like this all over the quilt. You get the picture. I was not happy. |
I even turned on the industrial lights for these pictures :) No.Blue.Lines :D |
And one more. Three before, three after ;) |
Just a few pictures as an update as to where I am with quilting. The last couple of days have not been extremely prolific in the quilting department. . . but there is some progress :)
Here is a picture of the roses prior to my quilting in the leaves. |
And after. The dimension just that little bit of quilting in the vein lines is pretty amazing. |
Here it is at the same angle as the first picture. I took this picture prior to using the Blue Line Eraser so if you are seeing blue, that is why. |
And one more picture. . . just because I can :) OH, look at the white scroll on the right side, BLUE! It is gone now :) |
Linking up with Lorna for Let's Bee Social and Lee for WIP Wednesday. And Amanda Jean for Finish it up Friday - this product will help you finish it up perfectly!! :) Head over and check out what others are working on this week!
Until next time, keep on quilting!!