
Friday, December 26, 2014

A Finish!

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Festivus grin or whatever else you may or may not celebrate this time of year! 

Remember this post? I said I was obsessed. . . and I was! Right up until yesterday afternoon when I crocheted the last border :) WOOHOO and if I can get my husband to unwrap himself from it so I can take pictures. . . there will be pictures in this post ;) I've been waiting all morning. . . still waiting. . . blog post is written and everything. . . I think he really, really likes his new blanket! :) That's all well and good but I need to take pictures so I can post! ;) Hmmm. . . might have to bake cookies or something. . . that will get him up and away from the blanket. . . If I'd known this was going to happen, I would have taken pictures before handing it over! Wow, that's a big lesson learned! He had to get up and go to the bathroom sooner or later right? LOL Here we go!

Yes, that is a hammock and yes, it is in our living room.

I am SO glad I had a good amount of each color left and decided to add a row of half double crochet of each color as the border. That last round is brown (to match the hammock) and is a double crochet.
Close up, love the texture!!
Close up of border. I've never done a border before. . . and I didn't have a pattern to follow. They are passable :)
This thing is HUGE (70" x 82")! I'm not very good at guesstimating how big crocheting will end up - it was all completely over my head when I started adding borders. Not that it really matters. The hubbins is a tall man, the longer the better! Here are the pictures. . . this is so big and HEAVY I was not really able to get a 'good' full picture. Add to that the fact that it is 100% wool and dry clean only, I was not going to take it outside and have it get dirty in the grass. . . No, I did not realize until most of the yarn was bought and the blanket was well under way that it would not be washable. . . who's fault was that? Ummm, mine. . . I was so excited about the colors, when the store person was telling me which yarns were washable and which were not, I was not listening. Hey, it happens sometimes a lot :) I used this free pattern (minus borders). There is a link to a great tutorial in the pattern.

OK, obsession OVER! Back to quilting!! I have started quilting the blocks for my sister's 20 year old UFO. It won't take long now that I have my priorities realigned ;) I'm expecting another finish very soon. . . 

Linking up with Lorna over at Sew Fresh Quilts for TGIFF and Crazy Mom Quilts for Finish it Up Friday.

Until next time, keep on quilting!
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  1. I love the colors too. You mus have a lot of patience!!!
    Love from Amsterdam and best wishes for 2015!

  2. Wow, that is a huge finish! The colors are fantastic, and it sounds like it is being well appreciated. :)

  3. Congrats on the big finish! It looks wonderful~and BIG!

  4. Nice blankey-you should have just taken the pic with the Hubbs in it, LOL Wool-but you are down south!

  5. Oh what fun.... but.... did you say Cookies? I would have handed over my blanket for a warm cookie!! I am so glad it is loved!! that has to be a great feeling!

  6. Wow! This rainbow finish looks comfy and cozy. Nice work, Judy!

  7. I am so impressed! Your crocheting is beautiful as well as the colors are beautiful. Sounds like hubby is enjoying is new gift.

  8. Isn't it wonderful when something we finish is loved so much that we are unable to take pictures. I have had to bribe my boys to give up a quilt for pictures before. Congratulations on such a beautiful finish. It looks so bright and cheery. I can see why he loves it so much.

  9. Love the colors!!! I am so impressed by your various talents.

  10. would love a hammock in the living room - too darn cold though here in northern British Columbia most of the year - but best of all is your wonderful blanket - I bet it's darn heavy but warm

  11. Read this on my iPad and didn't comment but saw it again this morning. I love this, and I can just imagine the weight of it--INSTANT warmth and comfort. Mmmm, such happy oh-so-Judy colours. Something tells me (my weather app) that you'll be needing it this coming week!


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