
Thursday, December 18, 2014

A 20 Year Old UFO. . . ME???

In my last post, I told you about a 20 year old UFO that is hanging out on one of the shelves of my fabric storage. . . How is that possible?? It's not mine!! You all know UFOs make me break out in a rash! ;) Here's the story. When I went to my parent's house for their anniversary, my sister was very excited to show me the quilt she finished. She had been working on it for 20 years. . . ??? The blocks were done with what I think is called Candle Wicking (I originally thought embroidery but I brought them to my LQS and one of the women told me it is called Candle Wicking). Anyway, the blocks were beautifully done. It is a baby quilt for her first yet to be born (or thought about LOL) grand child. I'm going to be honest here. . . I cringed! (sorry sis, I know you are probably reading this. . . ). She said she had no idea how to put the blocks together, had asked several people how to go about doing it and couldn't figure out exactly what they were telling her to do. So she winged it. To be honest, I'm not sure how she got those blocks together and I really wish I had taken a picture of it. . . She had sewed a piece of very long nap minkee to the back. But it wasn't tied or attached in any way and she wondered how she should finish it. . . I'm not sure how subtle I was but I told her to take the entire quilt apart and I would take the blocks and sashing pieces home with me and finish it 'right' . . . :)  That's what sisters are for right? She worked so hard on those blocks, and they truly are beautifully done - they deserve to be sewn together properly. Here are the blocks.
They really are adorable and so beautifully done.

The rest of the 12 blocks.

Close up of one of the blocks.
We all know I'm not a cutesy lover but these are just too darn adorable!
I'm thinking it would have taken me more than 20 years to finish these ;) haha
OK, the copyright says 1984.... I think this might be a little older than 20 years ;)
So what's the plan, you ask? I have a plan. I've been plotting and figuring things out in my head since I got home back in September. OK, not for three months solid but off and on, I'd look over at that shelf and those blocks would call out to me. . . we need to be a quilt! we need to be a quilt! haha First, I'm going to use solid flannel for the back. I'm going to finish these blocks QAYG. I'll quilt the individual blocks with the flannel on the back and then use a wide sashing to sew the blocks together. I've done a couple of quilts QAYG:
This was the first quilt I did QAYG. Really like this method. I used this tutorial on The Quilting Edge.
I used the same tutorial for this one.
These blocks will be put together using the wider sashing method. So that's my plan. I have the flannel and sashing fabric now so I can start. . . I'm a little nervous. . . hope I don't screw this up sis! ;)

I've also been working on my crocheted blanket. . . I am obsessed! I'm not sure why but I can't seem to put it down. I am on the home stretch! 
I have three colors left to do three rows, then all colors 2 rows, and all colors 1 row. These colors make me HAPPY! :)
Now you know my 20 year old UFO story. It won't be a UFO for long :) I'll be posting my progress. 

Linking up with Judy for DWM. If you haven't already, hop over and see what others are up to! 

Until next time, keep on quilting!
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  1. Wow, those blocks really are stunning! It kind of looks like they are already "quilted", so I am really curious to see your progress on this project - somehow I just can't wrap my brain around it yet! And holy cow your crocheted blanket is so much bigger already! Awesome - you'll have that done in no time! :)

  2. Oh Sure.... you'll take your sisters UFO - but not one of my *much* younger UFO's..... Just kidding.... that is going to be an heirloom when you are finished!!

  3. Your blanket is so bright and cheerful I can see why you can't put it down! I just finished hand knitting an American Girl doll sweater. Good luck with that UFO-your sis will be so glad to see it done!

  4. Oh those little French knots are sooooo adorable!

  5. Oh how well I remember Candle Wicking--and your sisters blocks are adorable. I can't wait to see the finished piece! And your crocheted blanket is so bright and cheery--Love your colors. You are a jack of all trades.

  6. I am sure the quilt will turn out wonderful!

  7. Those blocks are adorable! I look forward to seeing how it all comes together. And your blanket is impressive. I can see why you are so excited to finish.

  8. Candlewicking! I did a couple of pillows back in the 80s when it was popular! Very old-fashioned, soft look. Your sister did an AMAZING job. So glad you are going to make this into an even more amazing quilt. Whoa, talk about 180s...from the soft and subtle wrap a baby up to your crocheted afghan (à la 80s lingo) "look at me I'm here and warm and fuzzy!" Good for those (cough) cool 6 weeks of winter days and nights you're in for down there!

  9. How did she get the color on the bows and hearts and balloons,etc? The soft pinks and blues and greens...did she paint them or put colored pieces of fabric behind them, or what? I vaguely remember a technique that ends up with this outcome, but can't remember what it's called. What a beautiful quilt, and a large undertaking - for both you and your sister! Kathy

  10. 20 years is a long time, the blocks are awesome.

  11. That is very interesting technique your sister used. I have never seen it before. Looks like a very fiddly job :)

  12. I haven't tried QAYG yet and am eager to see how you do it. They are incredibly cute! Love the blanket too, love the colours.

  13. OMG, I just did the math. Some of my UFOs are 20 years old.

  14. Your sister's blocks are amazingly beautiful; good luck quilting them. Your crochet is nice and bright, just right for cold and grey winter days.


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