
Monday, April 14, 2014

Triangle QAL Week 3

Week three of the Sassy Quilter's Traingle QAL brings us to joining those rows. . . I'm going to say it.  I STRUGGLED through this! I was kind of surprised.  This is not my first triangle quilt.  The first one, went together pretty easily when I joined the rows.  This one. . . not so much.  First I tried gluing instead of pinning.  It worked OK but the points were not as consistently 'good' as I would have liked.  Then I tried pinning, this time I actually lost a point.  Did I rip any of it? No.  I am working on taming my inner perfectionist and I decided none of them were so awful that I was going to redo them. 

I finally tried pinning AND gluing. . . I put a dab of glue at the point, and then followed Paula's direction of putting the pin through the point of both sides and then pressed both sides together and removed the pin.  Time consuming? YES! It did result in a much more consistent ITLLDO (It Will Do my word for 2014) seam.  It took me a bit of Friday (I walked away after doing one row, thought maybe it was the day and the point fairies would visit me on Saturday), all day Saturday (on and off, had to walk away on more than one occasion) and part of Sunday. . . . The end result?  Well, here it is, as I told my mom, looks great when I'm not standing two feet from it scrutinizing every point... and who else is going to do that but me???? :) 

I decided to go with all hexagons.  I have probably admitted this before at some point in my blog but I have a control issue :)  When I am the one doing the sewing, I'm not a lover of scrappy.  I look at other people's scrappy quilts and love them.  I might need therapy for this. . . but that can be a topic for another day ;)

We all know I am mathematically challenged and I was a little surprised when this quilt top ended up being exactly square! LOL It's fine, the intent was a large lap quilt (it is 72"x 72") so that's not an issue but in my estimation this should have turned out 10 inches longer.  I would have added another row of hexagons but for some reason I ran out of the peacock blue - maybe some triangle trolls came in the middle of the night and stole some of them. . . I had a half yard of each of the colors and cut all of it into triangles (yes, I have a LARGE stack of leftover triangles. . . ) so I should have had the same amount of each color left over.  Alas, this was not the case and quite honestly, I am over triangles! I wasn't too upset about not feeling like I 'should' add two more rows :)

So today my plan is to get quilting the Fractured Log Cabin.  I'm hoping to have a finish, and maybe two by Friday :) 

Linking up with Marelize over at Stitch By Stitch for Anything Goes Monday, Judy over at Patchwork Times for Design Wall Monday, Connie over at Free Motion by the River for Linky Tuesday and Heather and Meagan over at Quilt Story for Fabric Tuesday. Also linking up with Lorna over at Sew Fresh Quilts for Let's Bee Social and Lee over at Freshly Pieced for WIP Wednesday.

Until next time, keep on quilting!
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  1. Your top looks great! I call myself a "controlled scrappy" person... can't just randomly pick pieces of fabric and sew, but that's okay. I love your hexies.

  2. Love the solids, Judy! And the hexagon layout. Points, smointes. It looks fabulous my dear!!!

  3. But your end result is stunning!! Way worth the effort!

    1. My second time by....just love it...I knew these colors would just melt together!!

  4. I like it! Love all the solid colors and how they blend together.

  5. That is a wonderful quilt! Love the colors and the pattern. I'm with you, I love seeing scrappy quilts but I do them, it 's hard work not to have a pattern and to just go with the wind and have color everywhere. I always have the urge to make some sort of pattern, if it's only in my mind :)

  6. Beautiful quilt. Love the colors. :)

  7. Looks good from here! Love the color and your placement...keeps the eyes moving. Very nice.

  8. I love it! Once it is quilted, you really will not notice any less than perfect points. Pat yourself on the back!

  9. Wow! This is gorgeous! All your hexagons look like gems. Nice and sparkly. :)

  10. I too had trouble and had to walk away a few times. It looks awesome! And I love the hexagons! Great Job!


  12. Your hexagons are super. Your result is totally different to anything else I've seen.

  13. you may not like math but what an outstanding color study in placement! Good on you to persevere and figure out a way. The orange and gold quilt is so cool, wondering how it'll be quilted. Going to check out those rulers.
    LeeAnna Paylor

  14. Your triangle quilt is amazing! I love the colors. I am also horrible with I am always happy to read about how others share my problems. However, your quilt turned out amazing! If you wouldn't have said anything, I would have never known you intended to add more rows. ;) -Brittany

  15. I love the hexagon look! Your color choices are beautiful as well :)

  16. Your work is beautiful and I love the hexagon design! If those trolls eventually bring back the fabric you can always make a runner out of the extra triangles! Thanks for sharing.
    Freemotion by the River Linky Party Tuesday

  17. I like your color combo and those hexagons you created. Pretty! Sorry to hear about the struggle though.

  18. It's very pretty! After you quilt it you won't be looking at those points so much :-) I am sewing my rows together right now.

  19. Love the layout, this is the first I have seen on the QAL - and I love your colors!

  20. Love how your triangles are placed on this one and the underlying patterns. Great JOb

  21. Its looking pretty fabulous from my end of the world! And I like your idea of hexagons.

  22. very cool. love the colors and how they form the hexagons.

  23. Looks great! I love equilateral triangles!

  24. I love how you have arranged the colours, beautiful effect.

  25. It looks amazing to me! I didn't get all my points exactly either, nailed some, failed some :)

  26. Your post made me giggle and your quilt is beautiful, looks positively perfect from this side of my computer screen :D

  27. Love this design! I am so far behind on my triangles : P Yours look gorgeous, though!

  28. This is lovely. I gave up on perfection in my quilts a long time ago, and I have to admit, that I'm very happy I did. Actually, that may not be true. I may have just never cared much about perfection. I think that's the artist in me. I'm more concerned about how the quilt makes me feel, and not the technical aspects. After all, a quilt is made to be something beautiful, loved, and used. It's not holding up a building. :) And if it helps, your points are much nicer than mine were on my top.

  29. When I do scrappy I call it controlled scrappy...I can't be free with it either.

  30. that is just fabulous! Love the colours and the design, and the points look perfect to me!

  31. This is great! Love the colors.


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