
Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Beacon - A Quilting Jetgirl Pattern Release

I am so excited to share with you my version of Yvonne's (Quilting Jetgirl) newest pattern! When Yvonne sent a picture of the quilt and asked if I wanted to test, it took me about two seconds to say, YES!! All that negative space! Are you kidding me?? :)

As with Yvonne's other patterns, the instructions are clearly written and the graphics and pictures included provide the maker with the information needed to get those points pointy and to have those seams match up. When working with the high contrast between background and feature fabric, it is kind of important to have things line up properly. I think Yvonne has done a great job in giving you the instructions and tips you will need to make that happen. This is not one of those patterns in which you might decide to go rogue (raising hand as someone who does go rogue often!) and not follow the directions for making the beacon and angle blocks. . . Trust me (and more importantly, Yvonne!), you'll save yourself a lot of time. :)

In Yvonne's launch post, she wrote "My goal with the Beacon quilt pattern is to encourage you, the quilter, to incorporate a mindful story into the quilt." I'm not sure a pattern designer can anticipate exactly how their pattern will be interpreted and how a story might develop. . . And this quilt tester definitely did not anticipate the intense interest and story my husband weaved into this quilt! As soon as the flimsy was finished, he started sharing the 'story.' His story included ancient civilizations, ufology, and a fight that is very personal to us both, his fight against Lyme disease. Thank you, Yvonne for letting me test this pattern and for giving me the chance to 'work out' this story while quilting this quilt! Want to see Breakaway?
Ta Da! :) There is likely going to be some post wash quilting going on with this quilt. What is that green motif in the large triangle on the right? That would be a crop circle. I found a really cool picture of one and recreated it on the quilt. I think I need to add some more diagonal lines to provide a little more stability to that area. The dense green thread used for the actual crop circles is pulling in, more quilting will rectify that. . . I think ;)
Those are spaceships in the middle diamond. I think these need a little more definition as well.... The ship on the left is my quilted version of the UFO Kenneth Arnold saw in 1947. And the ship on the left is the Horten flying disc. The diamond on the right is a rendition of the Vitruvian Man drawing by Da Vinci but in my drawing, the man is an alien. . . :)
The motif in the upper right is a Sumerian Eagle. The symbols above the eagle are from the Roswell I-beam and from the Nazi Bell.
I am particularly proud of how this one turned out :) This is the Eye of Horus or the Eye of Ra.
The Eye of Horus was believed to have healing and protective power, and it was used as a protective amulet. It was also used as a notation of measurement, particularly for measuring the ingredients in medicines and pigments. The symbol was divided into six parts, representing the shattering of Horus´ eye into six pieces. Each piece was associated with one of the six senses and a specific fraction.
Sun and Moon Yin and Yang. This was the last space I needed to fill with a motif. I needed something cool looking and quick. I think it filled both requirements. :) I will likely be adding more quilting to this section as well. . . Seriously, someone should just stop me! haha
The top diamond (under the Eye of Horus) includes and outline of Plumb Island, the Lyme Spirochete and a paperclip. . . I could write a book about the significance of this section of the quilt but I won't. If you are interested in learning more, this book is well written and most well researched I've found on the subject (not an affiliated link). The man below is the Nazca Man. Loving how he turned out too!

I had the flimsy finished in January. That's when my husband shared his vision with me. Then we hit a bit of a rough spot with his health and life in general. The quilting was not started until Renee sent me an email and asked me if I realized the quilt needed to be finished in 11 days..... Whut??? How did that happen??? Crap, must get a move on!! So in the midst of a five day visit from family, I worked through the motifs he had chosen for the quilt. There were many times I thought there was no way I was going to get this quilt finished! It is mostly finished but as I indicated in some of the descriptions above, I will likely be adding a bit more. If you are interested in any of the symbols or motifs I've included, a quick search on the key words I have provided will provide you with days and days of reading or shoot me an email. :) Once I do more quilting, I will likely do another post. And since this post about the launch of Yvonne's pattern, I didn't want to write a book and bore you with a ton of details. :) I do want to mention that the fillers in the top left and bottom triangles (corners and middle) were some that I saw on Hillary Florence's blog when she first posted them. I never forgot that piece and knew at some point those designs would come in handy! I think they fit perfectly into this quilt.

Speaking of the pattern! Want to create a story of your own? Yvonne is offering this pattern for $7 through April 3, 2016 and you can get it at either her Craftsy or Etsy stores. And while you are there, check out her other fabulous patterns!

Also, make sure you check out the other awesome quilts made from this pattern at:
There is so much room for interpretation with this quilt! I highly recommend the pattern and if you are looking for that perfect quilt to practice your doodle quilting, graffiti quilting, crazy quilting. . . whatever you call it - this is the perfect pattern! The pattern gives instructions for three sizes, baby, lap and queen.

Linking up with Crazy Mom Quilts for Finish it up Friday!

Until next time, keep on quilting!!
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  1. Great version of Yvonne's quilt! The quilting is very cool.

  2. Great interpretation of Yvonne's quilt. Love the story, and the fact that DH got involved super!

  3. Thank you so much for pattern testing for me, Judy. I just love how this quilt spoke to your husband (and you). Getting to see my designs used like this is a real thrill. I do look forward to seeing what else you add - and what did you use on the back of the quilt? Does your awesome quilting show up there as well?

  4. When I showed your quilt to my husband the only thing he said was, "Why is there a paperclip on the quilt?" and I was like, I'm not sure that is a paperclip...but Yes, yes it is, hahaha. I love all the different symbols and motifs you quilted, but the crop circle is probably my favorite. All of your quilting really filled the negative space and added so much interest to this simple design.

  5. Wow love seeing different sides of the same quilt you went crazy on this very nice ty for sharing.......

  6. I have been following Yvonne for quite some time now and am constantly learning so much from her. I am more a traditional quilter but have absolutely come to love all of her patterns and designs. I followed her link to your site this morning and am so glad that I did! Judy, I would love to spend hours looking and talking about every detail of your quilting journey with this spectacular quilt! I can easily see you creating a few more of these quilts and just having a fantastic adventure each and every time. Thank you so much for sharing and have a fantastic creative day!

  7. Love your quilting - that eye is brilliant!

  8. Subtle, meaningful, and what a story in every part of the quilt. My pick is Yin and Yang, but every one shows much thought, and maybe even soul-searching for you and your man, as the plan came together.Beautiful design and quilting.

  9. It's so interesting seeing the different versions of this quilt. Your version with all the symbolism in the quilting is so interesting. Very impressive.

  10. Whoa! Judy, this is so intense and fabulous! I can only imagine the serious work that you put into it. What a striking version!

  11. Um I was "with" you while you were working on this, but I seriously did not realize you knocked it out in 11 days!!! I already did Google Nazi Bell and the Roswell i-Beam, oh what have you started now? It's 3 and I just started quilting, because of dogs and writing my own damn post, now I'm being sucked into a time vortex of another kind, not a real wormhole, but still--
    Anyhow, your quilt is mind-boggling for many reasons, the symbols, the stories behind the symbols, both personal and historical. Again, you are on a whole 'nother level sista. I love what you do, and the coloured threads rock. btw are you walking around kinda hunched with your neck stuck out and your arms bent at the elbows and raised up a bit, palms flat? In other words, from hours upon hours in that position at your Janome!

  12. Your quilt looks awesome! I love how involved your husband was and the details in the quilt. Thanks for sharing!

  13. Very thoughtful and awesome quilting!

  14. Judy I am so amazed that I hardly know what to say first. You two make an incredible team and your ability to create what your husband envisions is second to none! So many of these symbols I recognized and some I had to Google - like the Nazi Bell. Wow wow wow on all your work! I think you told the story and then some! I hope that Eye of Horus lives up to its reputation.

  15. Oh my goodness!!! THAT!!! is incredible. Just curious - does your brain hurt now - ha ha. Seriously - the story and the thought and on top of that - the quilting - it just amazing!

  16. Not sure what I would do with all that space but crop circles are definitely on my list :) I love them and you should do some more :)


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