
Friday, September 25, 2015

Flimsy Finish Friday

OK, this is going to be a quick post. The flimsy for Sparkle Punch is finished. If you want the low down on the process of sewing this baby together go here. Many details and thoughts shared :) I finished this flimsy on Sunday. It was basted quilting began on Monday. I have had my head down and I have been quilting like crazy but it seems like I am making no progress! Does that ever happen to you? Yeah, I might be quilting it to death but jeeze. It seems to be taking forever! :) OK, that's it, the only thing I have to say about sewing the flimsy together is this - I only turned one block and I caught it early in the game so it only required a very little ripping :) Without further ado, here it is!!

As promised - short post :) I'm going back to the machine to continue the quilting . . . Still not convinced this is going to be finished by the 1st. . . . focus!! :)

Linking up with Finish it Up Friday. Make sure you check out all of the awesome makes people link up to this very popular linky party!!

Until next time, keep on quilting! I know I will be ;)
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  1. Wow, I especially love the log cabin fabric you used for some of the stars!

  2. I looks great, Judy. The colors are so well balanced across the top. I can't wait to see the magic you work with the quilting. :)

  3. I think those stars are twinkling! And of course you will have it done-I have faith in you!!

  4. What a great quilt. Love how they do not look so organized. Your fabrics are great too!!!

  5. This is such a fun quilt to look at, there are so many great prints! It is going to be beautiful with your quilting. You go girl!! :)

  6. You've inspired me! I have a neutral I have been wanting to use in something like this!

  7. oh it is just gorgeous!!!! I love how the Amys all sparkle against the gray!!!! :)

  8. Only one star turned...whoa, that is amazing. The colours just leap off that much to look at, and yes, you've got a great balance here. Having been privy to a sneak peek at the quilting you are going to knock another out of the park my friend!

  9. The top looks great! Good luck getting the quilting done. I'm really looking forward to seeing how you do it.

  10. Very very pretty :) I'm sure your quilting will be stunning.

  11. Looking good! I like your colorful combo.

  12. It really does sparkle! I know what you mean about the quilting taking forever. My Lone Wolf is a quarter finished and I set it aside for a while for some deadlines. It seemed like such slow going while I was quilting it.

  13. What a beautiful top! Basting used to be a struggle for me until I got my big 8' x8' table. It changed my life!

  14. Loving the pinks in there with the greys - looks fab!

  15. What a fun quilt top! Needs some magic quilted into it, if ya ask me ;-)


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