
Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Flimsy Finish: Black and White. . .

Yup, it's a flimsy finish and this time I did not swim against the tide by going with the quilt layout less voted for ;) I'm not typically a go with the crowd kind of gal. But 'the crowd' (that would be all of you who commented and those polled prior to sewing this top together) picked a winner and how could I argue with that?? It's funny, the layout I picked did not get one vote!! Talk about getting completely outvoted!! I thought the Pinwheels/Broken Dishes or is that Broken Dishes/Pinwheels looked really awesome. And it did. The picture kind of sucks, it's blurry and just doesn't show the true potential. In real life, it looked really amazing. . . But, by overwhelming majority, the Starry layout won the hearts and minds and that is the layout that I had mostly sewn together but needed to figure out borders. I wanted the top a bit bigger. And not square. . . SO I added some Robert Kaufman Spot On in black and of course white :) Have you seen this fabric?? OMG! LOVE!! I'm glad I bought. . . ummmm. . . a LOT :D The close up picture was taken so you can see it up close ;)

So here is Starry (how unoriginal!! Anyone have a good name for this one??) in all her glory!
The white looks kind of blue in this one. . . It's not blue :)
It might not look like it in the pictures, but this quilt is SQUARE. . . sure hope it stays square in the quilting process ;) haha
Close up of Spot On. . . Seriously, do you not just L O V E this??!! :)
One more. . . cuz I just love looking at it (indulge me! LOL) and this one is a little less blue :)
Here's a breakdown of those blocks, in case you missed it and want to give them a whirl! I sewed 9 patches together using 4" squares. I made a set of black on white and a set of white on black. Then I cut them all in half. I decided there was no planning needed for sewing them back together into HSTs so I just put the stacks of triangles together by my machine and started chain sewing. Why obsess if you don't have to right?? ;) I was able to trim the resulting HSTs to 10.5" resulting in a 10" finished block. The beauty of these babies is that when they are sewn together, there is very little seam matching!! Just the corners of the HSTs! I didn't obsess at all when I was sewing the HSTs together and those smaller squares just matched right up. . . I did however obsess about accuracy when I was cutting and my 1/4" seam allowance - made a huge difference in the ease of sewing them together. I still think this block would look amazing if done in colors with attention paid to the middle blocks that are cut in half. . . maybe all the same color/fabric with a high contrast to the surrounding blocks which would result in a very cool Irish chain :) If you have any questions, ask! I know that was a pretty bare bones explanation. I think you will be seeing this block again. Only with more contrast. . . It might be next month. . . or the next ;)

Today the backing will be pieced and it will be basted. Quilted by the end of the week? Potentially. . . I have strong motivation to get this one done and dusted. . . fabric is being delivered tomorrow for a whole cloth linen quilt and the table cloth I am going to use hopfully will be spotless (I'll share more about that in my first post about this one . . .) and ready to go :)

Linking up with Val for her weekly archive linky party. I know this is not an old post but the quilt is made up of 9 patches with a twist! :) Also linking up with Lorna for Let's Bee Social and Amanda Jean for Finish it up Friday. Head over to both parties and be inspired! What's 10 or 20 more quilts added to that quilty bucket list?? :D

Until next time, keep on quilting!
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  1. wow! What motion in the star after you put on the border. Way to go!!

  2. It's gorgeous! Anxious to see how you quilt this one!

  3. It looks great, Judy, and it is really interesting that the starry layout was so popular! The border fabric is awesome - heck, if you find some has disappeared you'll just have to come check my stash. :)

  4. I am totally loving this! I absolutely love how you did the borders, and yes I do love that fabric. Have you thought about naming it something like scattered star or even shattered star? It is kind of like the star is throwing out pieces.

  5. Yay! I didn't have to wait long at all!!! I love it. I agree that the pinwheels would have been equally fabulous, but I'm glad you did this gorgeous thing! :-)

  6. I liked all of the layouts that you had shown, and this one is stunning! I am always amazed at how certain patterns, colors, etc. can photograph so differently. I imagine that in person we may have voted along with you. The star is very dynamic in a photo.

  7. I'm also not a "go with the crowd" type of person! Sometimes I feel like doing the complete opposite just to stick up for the underdog lol! I think you made the right choice going with everyone else here though , the star design is so stunning and I love the way you did the borders too!

  8. The star was my favorite. I had to check back to see which one you chose.

  9. Love it! This was favorite layout, too, although I wasn't able to comment because I've bee blog surfing from my phone recently. Can't wait to see how you quilt it!

  10. Old or new...I like seeing your modern twist of the nine patch!!!'s inspiring! :)V (I too can't wait to see how you quilt it!)

  11. Love the border addition - this looks brilliant!

  12. How about Supernova? This is really successful, and the addition of the border is inspired. I hadn't seen that fabric before - it's great.

  13. That border is very effective. I like the name suggestions, too. I like your Irish Chain idea - I can see bright colours with the black and white, like a deep pink and vibrant blue maybe. Would be interesting if you did one contrasting colour set for the lines radiating from the middle and other colours for the ones radiating from the second and third layer. (If that makes sense!)

  14. Love your border, and yes, I love that RK fabric, might have to get some for the Bento Box quilt stash...I still keep looking at your blocks and marveling at how the lines are so crisp even though they really aren't when you look close, if you know what I mean. I guess it shows yet again how to fool the eye. Such a quilt with a punch. As yours always are.

  15. I really like your border solution!

  16. Beautiful, I love the movement in the quilt.

  17. Oh I like all those fabrics. What a pretty combo you have created!

  18. It's very pretty and I like the name Starry! Amazing that you can make one big star with your 9 patches cut in 1/2 diagonally and sewn back together (there should be some clever name for it) like that!

  19. This turned out So Incredible Judy! You did a wonderful job with the piecing and layout!
    So if the lighter fabrics are called low volume, are the darker ones called dark low volume? I've been wondering what to call it when they are used in a way that gives that cool effect.

  20. Not sure what I Love most--This quilt or reading how your brain works!!! You had me at Bkack & White but then your layout is perfect too! The boarders was the finishing touch! Bravo my friend!

  21. Yay! That one was my favorite! Congrats on another finish.


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