
Saturday, November 29, 2014

Off Course Done and Dusted

We took Off Course outside for her photo shoot yesterday. The binding is sewed on and she has been through the wash. I submitted her to QuitCon. Now, with all of you out there that have entered quilts, I wait. I don't like this part! haha I would be thrilled to have her hang at QuiltCon but I know the competition is stiff and if the quilt number Off Course was assigned is any indication of how many entries had been received up until yesterday afternoon - holy wow!! 714!!! I'm kinda not holding my breath on this one. . .

Speaking of waiting. The wait is over for Spin as to whether or not she got accepted into Road to CA. She did not. Disappointed? For about 10 seconds, yes. I was a little  surprised at how little the 'rejection' effected me! I guess my perspective helps. . . it's a crap shoot (literally!! LOL) and the process is subjective to those who are doing the jury process. What floats my boat may not float theirs. Wouldn't the land of quilts be a totally boring place if we all loved the same things?? I for one hope that never happens!

Here are some pictures of Off Course Done and dusted. . . OK a LOT of pictures LOL

Close up of quilting.

Another closeup of quilting....

And another. . . Yup that's my arm and hand LOL

And another for good measure :)

And another close up just because.
And a shot of the back :)
Quilt Stats: 58.5" x 68"

Fabric:The New Colourshott fabrics for the background, Vintage Silver (COTX28), Charcoal (COTX29), Black (COTX30); the blues are Banda (COTX16), Timor (COTX17) and Celebes (COTX18); and the pinks/purples are Lilac (COTX19), Sweet Pea (COTX20) and Dusk (COTX21). I have said it before and I will say it again - these new Colourshott fabrics are nothing short of amazingly awesome! Michael's customer service! Check out the Shotthrough blog for free patterns and lots of inspiration! You might see Off Course there. . . OK, you will if you go here!! How cool is that?? :D I used Widescreen by Carolyn Friedlander in black for the back. Seriously LOVE this fabric for backings!!

Batting: I used a double bat of Quilter's Dream Wool and Quilter's Dream Select 100% Cotton. I have used this combo on several quilts - LOVE! Even though this quilt is pretty densely quilted, it is not stiff or hard. Gotta love that!!

Thread: Isocord for everything. . . colors? Not sure. . . Black for the back. I matched the colors for the front.  If you are interested in the color numbers, let me know, I'll stop being lazy and look them up! HA

Piecing technique: I did not paper piece this however I did draw up two different templates. One for the blue geese, one for the purple/pink. I cut the triangles for the geese and the 'wings' from the templates and then pieced them together. It actually worked well. The blocks finish at 9". For the negative space, I cut 9.5" wide strips and pieced them to the geese by rows and cut them to size as I went. Probably not the most efficient way of doing it. . . but then again we all know there are times I'm not known for my efficiency :D 

My biggest lesson learned in the process of making this quilt? Sometimes what seems like a complete total disaster in quilting turns out to be exactly as it should have been from the start! You can go here to read about my little melt down moment when I was quilting this quilt :)

So there you have it folks. Finally, a completely finished quilt! It seems like FOREVER since I had a finish! Oh yeah, it has (at least for me)!  I have an hour of quilting left on the MM Challenge quilt that is no longer going to be entered into the challenge. I'll do the big reveal of that quilt when it is finished (Monday at the latest because I am planning on going to start a new quilt tomorrow. . . WOOHOO! Since I made the decision not to enter the quilt - I'm liking it a little more! AND the quilting plan came together right after I wrote my last blog post about how this quilt killed my mojo!

Linking up with Crazy Mom Quilts for Finish it up Friday and Sew She Can for Show Off Saturday.
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  1. Wow! The texture on this is amazing! I loved seeing all those close-ups. Congrats on the finish.

  2. Sorry you didn't make it into Road to CA, but like you said ya just never know. I loved seeing all the pic's of your quilting on Off Course. Congrats on the finish! I too started a new quilt today-I just had to make a little neonatal quilt :-)

  3. Send it into the AQS shows - modern division. Also MQS, MQX, etc. It is a great quilt and needs to be seen by the quilting public. Good luck!

  4. Wow!! The Texture!!! Beautiful - fingers crossed for you!

  5. Amazing quilt and even more amazing quilting, good luck with the submission.

  6. I Love Off Course! I not only think are the blocks, colors and quilting great--overall it is so.... calming! I am keeping my fingers crossed on the entry!

  7. Congratulations Judy; this is perfect! I'm in awe of your quilting, it's so beautiful. The piecing design and the quilting make this one dynamic and full of surprises.

  8. Congratulations on the finish, Judy! I am so curious about what is going to be accepted into QuiltCon. I guess we'll know in a month or so... :)

  9. Hello Judy, thank you for your comment on my blog and the encouragement from an expert quilter too! Your quilt is amazing and the quilting is beautiful. Good luck with the entry to the show,
    Kind regards,

  10. I can't see it NOT getting accepted. The quilting is Angela-Walters-level, I'm totally serious. And I looove the back. Not that the front isn't just wonderful too; each time I gaze at this quilt, I see more and more. She's already won an award, no stopping her now! Look how straight she hangs too! Mmmm.

  11. What a neat design! I love your quilting in the negative space, such texture and movement.

  12. I know this drove you to tears at times but it is fabulous and worth it all in the end, must be a good feeling to look at it now- it's fab! best of luck in Quiltcon!

  13. Another spectacular finish, Judy. And, you have a great attitude toward shows. You are so right. What makes it into one show and wins an award may not even be accepted into a different show. It might be interesting for you to submit your quilts to several shows and see who bites. Regardless, you have an appreciative audience and cheering section right here! Well done. :-)


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