
Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Quilting Update

The quilting of Off Course continues. . . on and on and on :) I am making good progress! I have the plan all laid out now (we won't talk about the fact that it took months to come up with a plan.... and more to actually start executing the plan....) and it is coming together well. It has not been without some major time with my not so favorite friend, Mr. Seam Ripper. . . I had the brilliant idea to do a topography type of design in portions of the negative space. So I went for it. . . and I knew it was probably not going to work out as I was quilting but . . . you know what I did. . . I kept on going. . . So after three (THREE!!!) days of ripping, this is what it looked like:

You can see where the quilting was. . . It was a little too wrinkly and a little too wobbly gobbly.
After I finished ripping (and photographing) I spritzed it with water. The bagginess went away as did the quilting lines. OK, that isn't going to work, so I went on to this:

Now this is a design I can get behind :)
 Much better. . . IMHO. I decided instead of doing a different design where my 'ghost' flying geese make their appearance and divide the light and dark negative space, I would use this same design. Try to pull together the lighter and darker negative space. . . So now I have this:

This picture is with flash. . . hence that weird shadowing down the center of the dark negative space.

No flash but not quite as clear.
One more shot. . . Haven't put this up on the design wall yet and these pictures were taken at night... I just needed to show that I am quilting and there is progress :)
I could probably come real close to finishing the quilting on this bad boy today. . . if I did not have to be a responsible adult and maybe see that there is food in the fridge ;) And clean clothes. . . that might be good too! haha

Going to get back at it. . . I still have not done the Week 4 snowflakes for the Snowalong. . . I need to set up my other machine so I can do some snowflake sewing on my quilting breaks! A clone would be nice right about now!!! :D

Linking up with Connie for Linky Tuesday, Lorna for Let's Bee Social and Lee for WIP Wednesday. I'm hoping to be posting later this week with better photos of the finished quilting!!

Until next time, keep on quilting! 
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  1. I had to rip out straight lines nothing curved and it tooks ages - well done you for all that hard work - it looks really good with the second design!

  2. I know what you mean about making good progress... if only I didn't need to be a responsible adult! :)

  3. I love the waves with the c's. I must do that sometime. Progress is good.

  4. Looks great! Love the "c" quilting.

  5. Off Course is coming along beautifully! There seems to be VERY few quilts that Mr. Seam hasn't touched in one way or another! Looking Good keep that pedal to thew floor!

  6. It was the right decision to rip off those lines. The new quilting looks beautiful!

  7. The curves and "C's" is a much better pattern and it's a good idea to let it go over into the darker colour. I like the quilted geese pattern too.

  8. Uuuugh three days of ripping stitches!! But it was so worth it, that new pattern looks fabulous!

  9. Your fmq is coming along beautifully, Judy! You amaze me!

  10. How did that new quilting go? I've been wanting to use that design but haven't done it yet. Yours looks good! I like the topographical stuff too. It's a quickie favorite of feathers....quick and easy!

  11. I love the ghost geese you've added! I do the exact same thing with my quilting: hate it/not sure about it but keep going and then by the time I decide to rip it out, it's a huge task and I kick myself for not starting it right away!!


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