
Wednesday, July 23, 2014

A Modern Plus Finish :)

Wow, this one went fast! I started it a week ago this past Saturday. And finished the binding, washed and took pictures of it earlier this afternoon! I posted the flimsy a week ago. It took me a while to decide how to quilt it and I took a few think breaks along the way. You can find other posts about this top here and here. If you are looking for a quick project, this might just be your pattern :) I did a few tweaks to Jeni Baker's tutorial on In Color Order called Modern Plus. I used 5" squares. That was my tweak :) The fabric is Carol Friedlander's Botanics. A fat quarter of the entire line. I have a few 2.25 inch strips and four squares left after putting the majority of the left overs in the backing. Speaking of backing, let's start with that first. . . Shake things up a bit :)

You might remember that this quilt is too long to hang horizontally on any wall in my back yard, these pictures have not been turned so the strip blocks should be vertical. Why? I tried, it just looks weird :)

When making the stacks of squares to sew together I just went light/dark. No particular order. Total randomness. It's a backing right? :) I did have more lights than darks left over so was not able to do that throughout all three of the columns. Who knew a plus would come out of it?? Not me, that's who but I was pretty pleased with myself ;)
The squares are leftover from the front. The bottom fabric is Carol Friedlander's Widescreen in grey. Left over from Spin's back. The top fabric is well, from my stash. . . I don't know what it is.

On to the front :) 
It always amazes me how much dimension a quilt takes on after it is quilted! Makes me smile :)

I decided on square spirals. I've done round before. I admit it, I don't know what the trick is but I just cannot keep mine looking good. . . I'm really pleased with the squares :D

My consistency might have been was due to the fact that I used my Fine Line Ruler to aid me in keeping those lines straight and a pretty consistent 1" apart.

This was the spiral I started with and kept going out until I hit the edge of the quilt on one of the sides.

Then I picked the white square in the upper right to start the second spiral. When I hit the outside line of the first, I stopped. Broke thread and then started quilting Three sided spirals until I hit the side and bottom of the quilt.

I just thought this picture was kind of cool :)
I used Quilter's Dream Cotton Select batting on this one. I know right? What happen to the wool?? I have a good amount of 'scrap' batting hanging around from before I found wool. And I still haven't gotten my roll of wool batting. . . SO I did some frankebatting. I'm not going to lie. I do not like a batting with no loft. Wool provides the perfect amount. I still have more leftover cotton batting and I will use it but I do not like it. (Yes, exactly like Sam and the green eggs and ham!)

So there you have it! This quilt was a lot of fun to make. This might be my go to pattern if I ever need a quick quilt for some reason. As for what is next. . . I am off to quilt Off Course :)

Linking up with Kelly over at My Quilt Infatuation for NTT and Crazy Mom Quilts for Finish It Up Friday.

Until next time, keep on quilting!
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  1. I love the quilting on this! You did a great job with the consistency.

  2. Wonderful quilting job and a great idea doing square spirals. A plus quilt is on my list so I might just copy your idea of square spirals.

  3. Ohhhh! I love the plus's and your quilting, they work so.. well together! Perfect planning. I WANT ONE!!!

  4. Wow, the quilting is fabulous! Love it.

  5. Simplify. This is a tribute to that concept in many ways: the pattern, using one fabric line, straight-line quilting...and it all adds up (ha, pun not originally intended) to a stunning quilt. Stunning. I want to touch it! I only saw the one square spiral, had to look for the second in the teal quilts that really make you look. And look again. And yes, I love that angled picture too. You continue to amaze and inspire me. :-)

  6. Judy, this is a wonderful quilt with a great color palette! I love the back just as much as the front! Your quilting of it is perfection, adding just the right touch. I too love wool batting, although sometimes if I need a thinner one I do like warm and natural cotton.

  7. This is fabulous! Lovely color, quilting texture, well done!

  8. I like the square spiral quilting - it looks great and the pattern it makes on the backing is lovely! Congratulations on such a quick finish!

  9. Love you square spiral quilting. Looks brilliant on this!

  10. Your quilt made me smile too. The spiral square quilting is now my new wanna-try-this-style!!! I wish it can be half as neat as yours. Congratulations on a fast, fab finish!!!

  11. Das sieht einfach toll aus!
    LG Fädchen

  12. Lovely straight line quilting!

  13. Just love that quilting! Looks great and very effective. Was it difficult to do, I wonder?

  14. I love this. The pattern is so much fun and the quilting is super cool. Great quilt!

  15. Very very cool! I love the square spirals, totally suitable!

  16. Wow! Your quilting looks so good. Your batting might not have as much loft, but your quilt has awesome texture.

  17. This is a really cool pattern - I will have to stop over at In Color Order to pick up the details. I like how you took what was a very scrappy pattern and lightened it up with your fabric choice and made it very modern. I bookmarked this for future reference since I am searching for a slightly simple design quilt for my daughter's bedroom. Great Quilt!

  18. That turned out great!! The quilting is perfect for that quilt!!

  19. Beautiful quilt! I've always wanted to make one of these. And your quilting. Wow. Just Wow.

  20. I have a couple fat quarter bundles of Botanics waiting for me, I love how you used it here. The quilting complements it nicely - there's something very clean about straight-line quilting.


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