
Friday, April 4, 2014

Triangle Quilt Along - Week 3

Here we go folks! The rows are sewn together! :) This is my second triangle top and I learned a thing or two along the way with this one.  First, I was at the grocery store and on a total whim picked up a washable glue stick.  I decided to see if gluing would help in the sewing process. . . boy did it!!  I have a confession - I do NOT pin! OK, rarely and I don't like it :) Here are some pictures of my process.

To 'pry' the glued portions open, I used my seam ripper.  This glue is not like super glue so it comes apart pretty easily.  I also did not have a problem with the glue gumming up my iron. And I use steam too :)

Ready to see my rows? :) I did 5.5" triangles, 22 triangles per row and 14 rows.  I have left over triangles - but I have a secret plan for those for the back ;) 

I only took 5 of the rows out.  It was windy. . . and I thought they looked kind of cool blowing around :)

Ever have an AHA moment when you are sewing?  Well I had one when I was ironing the seams open (I did this after every seam sewed).

So there you have it :) Can't wait to sew those rows together!! :)

Linking up with Paula over at Sassy Quilter for Week Three of the Triangle QAL.  Head on over and see how all of the other participants are coming with their triangle quilts.  There are going to be some amazing quilts made in this QAL!! 

Also linking up with Sarah over at Confessions of a Fabric Addict for Can I get a WHOOP! WHOOP! and Fortworth Fabric for Fabric Friday Frenzy.

Until next time, keep on quilting!!

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  1. I love your colours! it looks like it's going together really easily. (I don't pin much either!) Linda

  2. Oh, your rows are looking great! Lovely colors indeed.

  3. Love your solids! Your rows look great.

  4. Those sweet triangle rows seem to be having a wonderful time hanging out in the sunshine! They look great!

  5. Ohhh, I love your gorgeous triangle rows!!!! Thanks for the glue tip. What a great idea! Looking forward to sewing triangles.

  6. Gorgeous colors! And the spot on the pinned open seams where the three colors intersect is where I try to place my seam too. Works every time!!

  7. I start sewing this glad I read your post first....great tips!! THANK YOU!!!

    1. I used your glue helped tons...esp because I'm not a pin person!

  8. Get tips for triangle piecing, and I love the colors you chose!

  9. gorgeous colours, and I love to see your strips of fabric blowing in the sunshine!

  10. This is a revelation for me, thank you so much for sharing this tip!!!! I was pulling my hair out with the sweet spot issue...... argh! :D Pinning now.

  11. Yay! I love your colors. I hate pins too, but I *love* the clover wonder clips! I pressed to one side, but if I do another I will press open, even though it takes a little more finagling, I think it would be worth it in the end for this one. But where my points come together I have just pressed really hard and it seems to be ok. Hopefully I wont have any trouble when I start quilting.

  12. This is coming together beautifully. I like the idea of solids only.
    What size quilt are you aiming for? I'm also doing 5.5" triangles (if you measure the perpendicular, but the sides are 6") I'd calculated I needed 501 triangles. I haven't finished cutting so if 432 are enough I'll stop sooner. I don't want to overshoot by 61!

  13. I love those triangle rows, just dancing in the wind! Your quilt is going to be so pretty.

  14. Thanks for the tip! I love seeing all of these triangle quilts! Love your fabric choices, so fun and colorful!

    Thank you for linking up to Fabric Frenzy Friday!
    Fabric Frenzy Friday

  15. Oh I love your pretty pastel streamers. This will be lovely and very exact. I don't think I made that quality in my ripping frenzy but yours is going to be great. :)

  16. I have never worked with triangles and wish i was able to participate in this QAL. Your quilt is going to be awesome! I love the pretty colors you have chosen!


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