
Monday, April 21, 2014

Design Wall Monday: Fractured Log Cabin

I finally finished the quilting on the fractured log cabin blocks.  This really should not have taken much time at all to do. . . and it wouldn't have if I had not been getting up every line to go blog hopping, inspiration searching, designing, cleaning (OK not much of that LOL) and every other thing I could think of to do besides finish quilting those blocks!  I am doing this QAYG so this project is not over. . . but it needs to be put aside so I can quilt the triangle top. . . I had it in my mind that I had two weeks to quilt it. . . and maybe I would have if I had not wasted so much time not quilting the fractured log cabin. . . but it needs to be done quilted and bound bound by May 3rd. Hmm, now that I think about that - it is totally doable LOL 

OK, word light and the pictures aren't the greatest.  I hung a piece of batting on my outside brick wall. . . and then pinned the blocks to it.  It is better than taking pictures in my house and you get the idea :)

The sun was so bright I couldn't see that the top was cut off in the camera!

Yup, I used my Fine Line Ruler and FM foot.  Check out those straight lines :)

See, it really should not have taken and entire week to quilt these blocks!!!

One more picture just cuz :)
OK, off to make a triangle quilt sandwich and keep this train moving down the track!! 

Linking up with Patchwork Times for Design Wall Monday and Stitch by Stitch for Anything Goes Monday.  I will likely be linking up with more, just depends on how many sneaky peeks I'm going to give you of the quilting on the triangles ;) 

Until next time, keep on quilting!
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  1. This is looking good. Please share your triangle quilting with us. I've been practising FMQ this afternoon, trying to pluck up courage ...!

  2. Great project. Thanks for sharing.

  3. So colorful and fun! I still haven't tried the Quilt as you Go method. My mom swears by it, but I'm intimidated by it. I don't know why. I loved your idea of pinning blocks to a batting to take outside pictures--the lighting is so much better than indoors.

  4. Lovely!! Thank you for sharing!

  5. Love, love, love the colors - sunshine, orange and golden honey. Nothing could be better. I am looking forward to seeing how you will put it together. So excited!!!

  6. I love the texture your quilting has given the blocks. So glad to know I'm not the only one procrastinating projects. :)


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