
Monday, March 10, 2014

Just Another Manic Monday

80s pop anyone? :) 

It feels like a manic Monday! Soo much going on!  

First up, I'm very excited about participating in the block drive for QOV being hosted by Kevin The Quilter.  You'll find the button on my right sidebar at the top, I think this deserves top billing :) I have the fabric on order (this was a GREAT excuse to go shopping!!) and need to get the two quilts I am working on finished. . . hopefully this week. . . unrealistic? Maybe. . . ;)

Back to the block drive.  If you have ever thought about doing a QOV quilt, or somehow getting involved with this wonderful organization, this is a great way to get involved by making very simple, quick blocks.  Simple and quick with an amazing resulting quilt!  Kevin is asking for 5 blocks minimum from each person contributing.  There are prizes too :)  Head over to Kevin's blog and get the details and consider putting the button on your blog to spread the word. 

Second up, I'm just as excited about deciding to join the Triangle QAL over at the Sassy Quilter.  The button is on my left side bar - if you haven't already, consider joining in the fun! Yup, I am doing another triangle quilt - these things are addicting! I have acquired the fabric. . . of course I have LOL, here it is:

I'm thinking maybe the middle pink, second from the right might not work. . . Thoughts?
All Kona in hues of mainly purple, a little blue and some bright pink.  I'm still wavering on the pink... What do you think? Maybe a lighter shade? The QAL doesn't start until March 21st, so I have time to change it up (and buy more fabric lol). . . and you have time to clear your decks and join the fun!! :)

I am planning on piecing a second quilt while I am doing the QAL.  This one is going to be what might be considered a fractured log cabin? You know the one, the logs start around a square, the middle squares are various sizes so the resulting square out of four blocks put together looks fractured.... This one is going to be done in yellows and oranges.  I'll post a picture when the fabric arrives, I bought some new and will be using some from my stash.  I'm trying to figure out a third color to add that is not red. . . suggestions welcome!

On to the Triangle Log Cabin top.  I decided I needed to add another row on the vertical and add the pink/maroon color triangles.  Sewn together the way it was it would have been just shy of 50 inches wide where the triangles meet at the points on the outside.  I want this quilt to be functional as well as way cool :) I'm still pondering the binding. . . I know I can make the corners where the bottoms of the triangles meet, I'm just not sure about where the points meet. . . If you have any suggestions on how to work this out - I am all ears!  Here are a couple of pictures as it stands now, not great, it is indoors but you get the idea.  Six blocks to go.... :)  I should be able to knock them out today and maybe even get this baby sewn together today.  Stay tuned - as soon as it is sewn together I'll take it out for some outdoor pictures :)

Linking up today with Marelize over at Stitch by Stitch for Anything Goes Mondays and Judy over at Patchwork Times for Design Wall Monday.  Will also be linking up with Connie over at Freemotion By the River for Linky Tuesday and Quilt Story for Fabric Tuesday.  If you are here from there, welcome! If you haven't been to any one of these fab parties, head on over and join the fun :)

Until next time, keep on quilting!

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  1. How about wider half triangles on the sides to square it off? It might add an interesting dimension to the design (or it might look not so good). You could do the triangles in the same strippy technique. Just my thoughts.

  2. My suggestion is a teal for the fractured log cabin to go with the yellows and oranges. Have fun with all your projects.

  3. Purple is complementary to yellow and orange. Try putting purple fabrics with them and see how the play together. They should sparkle.

  4. love your triangle!! Those solids you have are going to incredible. I like the pink in there, gives it a lot of movement

  5. It reminds me of a big old bowl of berries - delicious!

  6. Love the fabrics you have chosen. Thanks for participating in Kevin's block drive. Quilts of Valor is dear to me.


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