
Friday, March 21, 2014

It's Here! Triangle QAL!

It's Friday and it is the official start day of Sassy Quilter's Triangle Quilt Along! YAY!! I bought my fabric a few weeks ago from Pink Chalk Fabrics.  I did some checking, they had a huge selection of Kona solids and (most importantly) they had every single color on which I had my sights set!  When the package came, I wanted to start cutting!! But alas, I did not.  I was in the middle of piecing the Log Cabin Triangle quilt top and getting ready to quilt the Double Pinwheel quilt (which is done, YAY!) so I had to stay focused - this is not an easy thing to do when one has a stack of fabric that looks like this staring at them!!

All beautiful Kona solids in mainly beautiful hues of purple (my personal favorite color) and a few blues and pinks thrown in for good measure :) Here are the colors from left to right:

Blues: Peacock, Azure, Aqua
PURPLE :): Grapemist, Lavender, Violet, Lupine, Lilac, Thistle, Petunia
Pink: Candy Pink, Azalea, Camellia

I will have them all starched and ready to cut next week!! I am going to be using the Creative Grids 12" 60 degree ruler.  No, I'm not going to make 12" triangles but it is the ruler I used for the Log Cabin Triangle quilt and cutting the smaller triangles for the center in those 'blocks' was a snap.

I am still quilting the Log Cabin quilt.  It is looking awesome! Want to see a peak? Well, OK, but just a peak :)

Never ceases to amaze me how quilting changes the look of a quilt top!!

When I decided on the quilting for this, I thought it would go pretty quickly. . . not so much! The quilting is pretty dense on this one and there is a lot of ditch stitching - I can think of other names for it! grin I am doing everything, including the SID with the free motion foot.  I have been quilting pretty much all day for two days. . . It has been awhile since I did quilting in free motion and I have to say - I am having a blast! And as I go along, I can see improvements from triangle to triangle.  This is good! :) I really need to start putting aside a little time each day to just practice FMQ when I am piecing.  Keep those skills toned :)

I am off to finish quilting! I am really hoping to have this finished binding and all by the end of the weekend :) Stay tuned for the big reveal! 

Linking up with Paula over at The Sassy Quilter for the fabric selection portion of the QAL.and Kim at My Go-Go Life for SewJo Saturday.

Until next time, keep on quilting!

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  1. Your fabrics look amazing! It would be hard to resist:) I love that they are solids<3 The log cabin triangles are coming to life too, your fmq muscles are looking pretty good to me. I am not brave enough to fmq for the stitch in the ditch. I still use my walking foot for that part:)

  2. Your fabrics are in some of my favorite colors. ;) And your triangle log cabin is looking AMAZING.

  3. Can't wait for the big reveal...but appreciate the peek! I'm looking forward to seeing these tones melt together into a beautiful quilt.

  4. I just read about another blogger who had triangles on their quilty bucket list. I haven't ventured into triangles myself, but may have to give them a whirl.

  5. Excellent choices of fabrics! I love how great those colors are together!!

  6. What pretty solids you've chosen. Kona cottons are one of my favorite fabrics to work with.

    The FMQing looks great. And I know what you mean about calling Stitch in the Ditch by other names. I've tried it but can't seem to figure out the secret to get those stitches to stay in the ditch.


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