
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

WIP Wednesday! :)

I am continuing to work on my scrappy bargello. . . I am now obsessed with getting this project done!  I have been ignoring fabric calling me to start another project (it is screaming at this point!) but I just know I need to finish at least the top before I cut one piece of fabric for a new project! . . . Here it is as of this morning:

Two more panels to go!!! :)

This is totally not the quilt I started out to make! But I love the turn it has taken :)  I gave serious consideration to making the next panels cascade in the same direction.  Then I asked my husband what he thought (this quilt is going on our bed), he said 'change direction' so that's what I'll do!

Two more panels! Then on to the borders.... Wonder what changes will happen? :)

Linking up to Lee over at Freshly Pieced for WIP Wednesday! Link is on the left sidebar.  Go check out what everyone else is working on!  If you are visiting from the linky party, welcome to my blog! Love to hear your comments too! :)

Until next time, keep on quilting!!


  1. I really like the blue border in the middle. Great effect.

  2. beautiful! i love how the narrow border in the middle makes a frame.

  3. This is just amazing and has such great movement! Can't wait to see how it turns out!


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