
Saturday, January 11, 2014

Show Off Saturday!

Another Linky Party today at Sew She Can :)  You can find the link on the top right sidebar.  Go check out what everyone else is doing!

I am continuing to work on my scrappy bargello.  It has taken a turn from the pattern (this always seems to happen to me!) and you can find my previous postings regarding what went "wrong" and how I decided to embrace the moment and make a design change.  I have finished the 'borders' for the top and bottom, this is not the best picture but this flimsy is getting very big very fast (currently 54"x100")!

It looks wonky on the left side but that is because it is falling off the side of that part of the design wall :)
I have the initial 16" strips sewn together for the first side panel (50 strips long) and will cut them into 2 1/2" strips and sew them together today.  I am hoping to have a second panel completed and have one side of the border sewn on today or tomorrow. . . . These panels are going to be pointing up and down instead of sideways so it is going to change the design, I 'think' it is going to make diamonds so the outside border will make it look more like a Trip Around The World design than the bargello look of the center....  I was going to make them point in the same way as the existing panels but the math just does not work out..... so I am going with what I have :)

That's what I am working on, has your week brought challenges you have turned into creative design change wins? :) Make sure to check out what others are working on and join in the Linky Party fun!

Until next time, keep on quilting!!

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